OREAS 503 is a porphyry Au-Cu-Mo-S CRM prepared from Au-Cu ore and waste rock samples from a porphyry copper-gold deposit located in central western New South Wales, Australia with the addition of a minor quantity of Mo concentrate. Mineralisation in the region is hosted by a sequence of late Ordovician to Early Silurian volcanics, intrusives and sediments that occur within the Bogan Gate Synclinorial Zone of the Lachlan Fold Belt. The western portion of this zone is dominated by volcanics and host to the Late Ordovician Goonumbla porphyry copper-gold deposits. These volcanics are interpreted to have erupted from shallow water to partly emergent volcanic centres and show a broad range in composition from shoshonite through to latite to trachyte. Copper-gold mineralisation occurs as stockwork quartz veins and disseminations associated with potassic alteration. This alteration is intimately associated spatially and temporally with the small finger-like quartz monzonite porphyries that intrude the Goonumbla Volcanics. Sulphides are zoned laterally from the centres of mineralisation. The central portions are bornite-rich with minor chalcopyrite, zoning outward through equal concentrations of bornite and chalcopyrite, to an outermost chalcopyrite-rich zone. Pyrite increases outward at the expense of bornite.
Certified Value
95% Confidence Limits Low
95% Confidence Limits High
Au, Gold (ppm) | 0.687 | 0.024 | 0.676 | 0.697 | Pb Fire Assay |
Cu, Copper (ppm) | 5658 | 150 | 5585 | 5730 | 4-Acid Digestion |
Mo, Molybdenum (ppm) | 390 | 19 | 381 | 399 | 4-Acid Digestion |
Ag, Silver (ppm) | 1.63 | 0.124 | 1.56 | 1.70 | 4-Acid Digestion |
S, Sulphur (wt.%) | 0.724 | 0.018 | 0.714 | 0.734 | 4-Acid Digestion |
Au, Gold (ppm) | 0.658 | 0.046 | 0.624 | 0.692 | Aqua Regia Digestion |
Cu, Copper (ppm) | 5634 | 134 | 5572 | 5696 | Aqua Regia Digestion |
Mo, Molybdenum (ppm) | 382 | 19 | 373 | 391 | Aqua Regia Digestion |
S, Sulphur (wt.%) | 0.716 | 0.035 | 0.698 | 0.735 | Aqua Regia Digestion |