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SKU: 600172



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Reference material OREAS 193 is one of a suite of thirteen nickel laterite CRMs (OREAS 182 to OREAS 195) prepared from saprolitic ore source materials. These were supplied by Anglo American Brazil Limitada from the Barro Alto Nickel Mine located in the state of Goiás and ~300 kms from the port of Santos, Brazil. It has been certified for Ni, Co, Al2O3, C, CaO, Cl, Cu, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, MnO, Na2O, P2O5, SiO2, S, SO3, TiO2 , Zn and LOI. Nineteen commercial analytical laboratories participated in the certification program with characterization of this suite of 20 analytes by the following methods:

  • Ni, Co, Al2O3, CaO, Cl, Cu, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, MnO, Na2O, P2O5, SiO2, SO3, TiO2 and Zn by lithium borate fusion with X-ray fluorescence (17 laboratories)
  • Ni, Co, Al2O3, CaO, Cu, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, MnO, Na2O, P2O5, SiO2, SO3, TiO2 and Zn by lithium borate or sodium peroxide fusion with ICP-OES (12 laboratories)
  • carbon and sulphur by infra-red combustion furnace (11 laboratories)
  • loss on ignition (LOI) at 1000°C (18 laboratories)
Certified Value
95% Confidence Limits Low
95% Confidence Limits High
Ni, Nickel (wt.%) 1.93 0.019 1.91 1.94 Borate Fusion XRF
Co, Cobalt (ppm) 495 14 492 499 Borate Fusion XRF
Fe2O3, Iron(III) oxide (wt.%) 19.51 0.104 19.42 19.60 Borate Fusion XRF
Al2O3, Aluminium(III) oxide (wt.%) 3.08 0.023 3.06 3.09 Borate Fusion XRF
CaO, Calcium oxide (wt.%) 0.362 0.005 0.358 0.367 Borate Fusion XRF
Cr2O3, Chromium(III) oxide (ppm) 9623 86 9553 9693 Borate Fusion XRF
MgO, Magnesium oxide (wt.%) 20.25 0.127 20.15 20.34 Borate Fusion XRF
MnO, Manganese oxide (wt.%) 0.317 0.004 0.314 0.319 Borate Fusion XRF
SiO2, Silicon dioxide (wt.%) 42.72 0.186 42.54 42.89 Borate Fusion XRF
TiO2, Titanium dioxide (wt.%) 0.053 0.003 0.050 0.055 Borate Fusion XRF
Zn, Zinc (ppm) 219 6 212 227 Borate Fusion XRF
Al2O3, Aluminium(III) oxide (wt.%) 3.05 0.048 3.01 3.10 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
CaO, Calcium oxide (wt.%) 0.373 0.026 0.355 0.391 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Co, Cobalt (ppm) 483 18 480 487 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Cr2O3, Chromium(III) oxide (ppm) 9560 248 9419 9702 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Fe2O3, Iron(III) oxide (wt.%) 19.49 0.467 19.12 19.85 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
MgO, Magnesium oxide (wt.%) 20.26 0.461 19.96 20.56 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
MnO, Manganese oxide (wt.%) 0.316 0.007 0.312 0.320 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Na2O, Sodium oxide (wt.%) 0.030 0.004 0.028 0.031 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Ni, Nickel (wt.%) 1.91 0.033 1.89 1.93 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
SiO2, Silicon dioxide (wt.%) 42.49 0.816 41.89 43.09 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
TiO2, Titanium dioxide (wt.%) 0.051 0.002 0.049 0.052 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Zn, Zinc (ppm) 199 11 179 219 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
LOI1000, Loss On Ignition @1000 °C (wt.%) 9.87 0.109 9.74 10.00 Thermogravimetry
C, Carbon (wt.%) 0.073 0.012 0.059 0.086 Infrared Combustion